Can’t get to the gym? Don’t SWEAT, I got you covered.


Sometimes life happens and there’s just no time to get to your favorite spin class or the gym for a workout. Other times, we just can’t motivate ourselves to leave the house. Good news is, I have a 30 minute workout you can do in the comfort of your own home, plus three great tips to keep you motivated.


Clear out that head of yours. Working out isn’t always a task…you can enjoy it! The main reason people don’t make it to the gym is because they just don’t want to go. Change your mindset. Don’t look at it as a daunting task, but instead a fulfilling activity. Stay in the moment, and embrace the SWEAT. Remind yourself how good you will feel when you come out on the other side of the workout.


Don’t be afraid to incorporate weights and plyometric training. The combination of the two can work wonders and create the lean physique we all see in the movies and magazines.  As a Certified Personal Trainer I have learned and witnessed time and time again that pushing your muscles to the max uses more muscle fibers and increase your fat burn potential BUT does not change the size of your muscle. The answer to the question you are asking yourself right now is NO, you not going to get “bulky,”  but YES, you will get stronger and leaner!


At the top of your workout playlist, find 1 or 2 songs that you can play before starting your workout that get your mind right! Maybe you aren’t looking forward to working out, and you need your favorite tune jam to get you going. Just like we warmup, find a  song that will prime your senses for the workout ahead.

Now that you have your three tips to beat the workout blues, below is a quick and easy 30 min workout you can do with little to no space! Try it out and let us know what you think. If not, I’ll see you in the saddle!

Perform this workout 3 Times

1. Inchworm Push-Ups: 10 Reps

2. Alternating Weighted Forward Lunges: 12 Reps (each leg)

3. Mountain Climbers: 20 Reps (each leg)

4. Weighted Sumo Squats: 12 Reps

5. Inverted Shoulder Taps: 20 Reps

6. Burpees: 10 Reps

7. Bicep Curls: 15 Reps

8. Standing Dumbbell Tricep Extension: 15 Reps

9. Dumbbell Russian Twist: 20  Reps (each side)

10. Scissor Crunches: 20 Reps (each side)