It's that time again, but we decided to do things a bit different for April. This month we are bringing you not ONE, not TWO but THREE riders of the month. On behalf of everyone at SWEAT, it is our HONOR to feature Adriana, Briana, and Christine as our three April Riders Of The Month.
The commitment, dedication, and determination you guys have shown is admirable and we are so happy to have you all as our newest Riders Of The Month.
Some of these girls ride more than 30 times in 30 days!
How did you find us / what brought you to SWEAT?
Briana: My friend Olivia and boss Christine raved about SWEAT. They had said it is the best full body workout they have ever partaken in. I had to try it and since I’ve tried it, I’ve been hooked.
Christine: I heard about Sweat from Emily Batchelder. She signed me up for a class while we were out at brunch.
Adriana: Some of the managers at my job go and I wanted to try it so I signed up!
When was your first ride?
Briana: My first ride was in September of 2017
Christine: Over a year ago
Adriana: February 2018
First impression of us?
Briana: From the second I walked through the doors of SWEAT I was acknowledged, the atmosphere was clean and welcoming, and the staff was extremely amiable.
Christine: I loved the class and the studio.
Adriana: I loved how I felt after class, the music, and how nice everyone was to me!
Favorite ride/instructors?
Briana: SWEAT has an amazing team of instructors who care and motivate each individual that comes into their class. It is hard to choose which instructor is my favorite because I genuinely love them all. I would have to say it’s a tie between Ashley D and Ashley F, they both have unique classes and always leave me drenched in sweat!
Christine: I enjoy taking classes with Kim, Ashley D., Aly, and Krista.
Adriana: Ashley F. & Krista.
Favorite artist/song to spin to?
Briana: I love to spin to anything old or new. Currently, my favorite song to spin to is God’s Plan by Drake.
Christine: I love spinning to music that makes you want to move that is fast and upbeat. I also like spinning to throwbacks.
Adriana: Gods plan by Drake
Take us through your SWEAT journey how has it changed you?
Briana: Sweat has changed my life for the better. I was feeling extremely run down being a full-time student and working part-time. I was tired and had little to no energy. It was time for a change, I needed to do something for me. This is where SWEAT came in. I started gradually going and now it has become part of my daily routine. I have more energy, my stress level is at a low, and my overall health is great. I feel my best coming out of SWEAT. I’ve accomplished something, for myself, every time I step out of that spin room. They say health is wealth, I say SWEAT is wealth.
Christine: Coming to spin on a weekly basis has helped me feel less stressed. It has helped me feel more comfortable in my own skin. I have focused more on ensuring that I'm eating better and that I'm working out weekly.
Adriana: SWEAT has helped me be more focused on working out and eating healthier.